AED Among Montana’s 2018 Top Tech Employers

Jul 12, 2018 | Awards, News Coverage

AED has been listed as one of Montana’s Top Tech Employers by Montana High Tech Business Alliance in the final installment of their 2018 Companies to Watch series. Read the article to find out why we love doing what we do.

Advanced Electronic Designs (AED) is an electronics product development company and professional engineering firm that solves complex technology problems for clients. Their motto is “Serious Fun, Serious Engineering,” and both hold equal importance in the culture. Working amidst tongue-in-cheek demotivational posters, Dilbert calendars, and Legos, AED’s engineers have developed various technologies from military communication and life safety equipment to a controller used by George Lucas to edit the Star Wars Trilogy. Trailblazers in the LED display industry, their designs can be found from Times Square in New York City to their own backyard in Bozeman and Yellowstone National Park. CEO Bryan Robertus said employees of AED enjoy a variety of project challenges, as well as the light-hearted atmosphere. Robertus added that AED exists to allow its employees to pursue their professional passions and that the day someone walks into the office hating their job is the day the company is doing something terribly wrong.